
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


My sister called me yesterday very upset. My mom is not taking her medicine Cipril for her CML (Chronic myelogenous (or myeloid) leukemia). When she asked her serious questions my mom would just laugh it off and mention she'll call the doctor later. She should be taking the Cipril along with her Chemotherapy for her PPC. There is no question that she may just not want to. She may be tired of all this already and may just not care. Who knows.. I would never question how she feels or ever think her feelings aren't valid. We are the ones on the other side of the battle watching. We have no idea what she is feeling wearing the armor and holding the shield in the battle. But we do care and want whats best for her health. Not giving the attention the CML needs will only weaken her immune system. And she still needs it to beat her PPC. Yesterday it hit me after creating this blog how serious this all could be. Its in a lymph node.. Its stage four or five.. Its in her kidney if not Renal carcinoma. We don't yet about those tumors still. And here i will end.. Still don't like to go there.

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